Wow... So Trump just posted a video on Truth Social of Netanyahu saying Iran was behind the assassination attempt. And get this, Trump wrote that there's a possibility that Iran might assassinate him and if that happens, the US must obliterate Iran and wipe it off the face of the Earth!

But please keep telling me this assassination attempt wasn't staged and Trump isn't in on it.

I'm more inclined to think Trump's handlers are pouring Iran stuff into his ear to see if they can get things back on schedule.

@Eiregoat We can't blame everything wrong with Trump on his handlers.

Maybe, just maybe, the guy who was bailed out by Rothschild Inc, who partied with Epstein, helped finance GAVI, gave Netanyahu the key to the White House, said "Israel owns Congress and rightfully so", approved operation warpspeed and betrayed his supporters time and time again, is the problem.

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