@justnormalkorean I don't think the OP realizes how much money the person in question makes with those videos.

Something tells me most modern men would do the same if they could earn that kind of money that easily.

Also, it's pretty pathetic to criticize this specific area of "female empowerment". Oh female empowerment is so bad for women! See women, please do what us men can't and take away your own rights that WE enforce! Nonsensical.

@Based_Accelerationist They are simple minded and make things worse when there's no resistance to them getting their way.

@justnormalkorean Alright. But imagine the following, a soyciety where the men are so weak that they can't even control their own women and will enforce all sorts of tyranny over their fellow man.

Would you want women to stay nice and breedable so the birthrates are high? Or would you rather the women do what the men can't and destroy that civilization from within, replacing most of the soyboys with high-T men?

Female nature, it's humanity's shit test for a reason.

@Based_Accelerationist @justnormalkorean If you are seriously blaming men for women's blatant hypergamy and the ills of feminism I'd ask you to politely kill yourself. Plenty of high T masculine men fed up with western women's insanity, cartoonish high standards and illogical behavior.

@curiousthinkerunderground @justnormalkorean Did women give themselves rights? Who enforces feminism? Who will knock on your door and physically subdue you in the UK for insulting a woman or a migrant online?

Are you seriously blaming overgrown children for enforcing their wishes on you?
Women are a constant, men are the variable.

And where are these high T men fed up with the West? Dead or in prison, sure, but hardly anywhere else. Unless you mean the Taliban.

@Based_Accelerationist @justnormalkorean > Did women give themselves rights? Who enforces feminism?

Jews and simps in the 60s gave them those rights. The feminist movement was literally started by yentas like Gloria Steinberg and many other subversive kikes.

>And where are these high T men fed up in the west

You're talking to one right now you stupid knuckle scraping gorilla nigger fuckwad. Im paying child support out the ass to a hypergamous woman that stabbed me in the back and used me. Id be in prison if I dared to physically put her in place like men could do prior to the 1940s.

@curiousthinkerunderground @justnormalkorean

The Jews may have orchestrated the plan, but the men who turn their wishes into reality and enforce the law, are the same men who fought for them in WW2 and who got vaccinated. Women didn't give themselves rights.

Men can still do what they did prior to the 1940s, they just have to fight and possibly die to reclaim their rights, but that's what men ARE supposed to do. Is life under the boot of the Jewish gynocracy a worthy existence?

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@Based_Accelerationist @justnormalkorean Bro what are you even getting at? Whats your end goal? To date a single mom and treat her like a princess even though she really doesn't respect you and views you as an ATM?

If you want to stick your dick in a whore that expects you to be a traditional man while she never lifted a finger in her entire fucking life to be traditional herself then thats on you. Shes not wife or girlfriend material, shes for condoms and recreational use only.

I will continue to hate these whores and what they stand for.

And who protects them? The courts and the police. And countless simp fags like you
@curiousthinkerunderground @Based_Accelerationist @justnormalkorean about the quality of takes you'd expect from someone with the username "based_accelerationist"

@curiousthinkerunderground @justnormalkorean

My point, if it wasn't obvious, is that men are the ones enforcing the tyranny. Women are too weak to matter.
Who is it that makes you pay child support? Is it women? Or is it men?

You can say you hate women just fine, means nothing if you don't fight the people who turned you into their ATM. THAT is the problem with the modern man. I'm not protecting women, I'm just wondering why you bent the knee? Is there nothing worth fighting for?

@Based_Accelerationist @justnormalkorean How am I bending the knee? I touched fire and got burnt and had to learn these sad truths about our retarded corrupt society and how hollywood and the media lied to us about love and women and marriage/relationships.

You sound like a FED because you want me to agree to throw my life away and everything I worked for by chimping out like a nigger against the system.

No I will be wise and informed, live at peace with all men if possible, and let the system eat itself, destroy itself, and I will never marry or commit to these western broken women and will take pleasure in seeing them die alone with 15 cats.

I already aided the white race and made two beautiful blonde sons and will see to it that they marry christian virgins in their youth as God intended and not make my same mistakes.

@Based_Accelerationist @curiousthinkerunderground @justnormalkorean >women didn’t give themselves rights

Daily reminder that the 19th only passed because women nagged Congress while men were dying in Europe, and even then it had to be presented SIX TIMES
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