
It's honestly getting difficult to keep up with TFM's ever changing narratives...


I get that it can be frustrating but I remember him saying that the way intelligence gathering works is he works with the information he has currently, assumes that the opponents are rational and only thinks two moves ahead. COVID tyranny was stopped by Omicron. Russia defeated Ukraine. BRICS's explosive growth. Regime fucked themselves via incompetence. Multiple failed assassinations. Israel is threatened. Trump winning will bring about some stability.

@Based_Accelerationist Yeah... he wants to believe in the orange emperor. The most dangerous lies are the ones we want to believe.


Too much chaos too quickly doesn't benefit the Regime. Those in power desire stability. The Regime was just very stupid this time around.

@Mommy I don't buy that disclaimer anymore and neither should you. There was nothing indicating a Trump assassination attempt, other than the shills on the Right hyping it up at the time, yet TFM predicted that.

On the other hand, everything was leading up to Trump being selected in 2024 to save the Jews, yet TFM couldn't see it and somehow pretended he was the underdog and a better option than Kamala.

And I'm not even going to comment on Elon Musk, it's beyond ridiculous at this point.

@Mommy And no, the "rEgImE" is neither incompetent nor stupid, that's the American people. They are geniuses and TFM is LYING when he claims the opposite. The collapse of the US is by design. They do not desire stability, they desire the fall of Edom and a transition to a new financial system.
It's honestly sickening to claim that the same people successfully psyoping the masses over and over again are somehow stupid. They aren't stupid, their plans are just more complex than TFM can admit.

@Based_Accelerationist Watching AA can't be helping. AA's takes are 10% insight and 90% fantasy.

@Mongoliaboo I don't think he even believes in the orange messiah, but he seems compelled to promote the mainstream narrative.

Remember his "spider sense" getting all uppity when Nick Fuentes disavowed Trump? What was that? And if you so much as try to argue that Trump's assassination attempts were staged or that Putin is in bed with Chabad, he calls you "stupid". No spidey sense on any of that. He might as well be paid by Tenet like Tim Pool, this is basically the script they want to promote.

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