I find it telling that Halsey's apologists often say it's good for the show to have people with opposing views and we all benefit from getting a Jewish perspective and listening to their insights, YET, despite this weird interest on Jewish insights (which are usually predictable), no one ever asks Halsey about his actual religious convictions. Does he believe in the Talmud? What about the Zohar? Does he agree that gentiles will be the slaves of Jews, after the messiah comes? Etc.

Very strange


Only recently did TFM find out Halsey is fine with zionism. Kinda weird to know so little about such a major cohost (a friend too right?) but ok. He also thought Halsey lived in some Jewish gated community in the middle of nowhere, like the Amish, until a few weeks ago he learned Jews just take over cities.

So little curiosity for the Jewish insight. If I had a Jewish cohost, I'd ask questions...

But I have to agree, Halsey does help the show, because without him, it wouldn't be on youtube.

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