I'm watching everyone fall for the fake and gay wins they're being served up:

1. Orange man wins
2. Non-space X brings back free speech
3. Lizardbook brings back free speech

Did you fight for this victory? If you didn't have to fight for it, you didn't win. The 4d chess is real this time, and you're the victim.

They want you to be racist. They want you to hate Islam. It makes you a good soldier for the coming Iran war.


@Mongoliaboo Exactly, but copium feels good. Even something as trivial as a politician leaving office (only to soon be hired by the UN or something) is enough for the sheeple to celebrate as if they won anything. Trudeau is the latest example, he did his job, secured his future by stealing yours and now he's leaving for some cozy job that is much less stressful and just as lucrative. Somehow this is a win for us though.
And of course, Trump and Elon are the perfect copium for idolatrous cowards.

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