Walked by a store in manhattan that had a notice on it: "do not enter with a hoodie or mask." It had a picture of a balaclava and a coof mask.

Crime is apparently a more important concern than stopping the spread.

Lol. Lmao even.

@fal1026 I don't live in Manhattan or a dogshit nigger neighborhood.

@ButtWorldsMan Speaking of which have you heard from Pastor Louis, has he abandoned us entirely?

@fal1026 Don't expect him to come back. He's just living the best life he can.

@ButtWorldsMan I'm just going to say he made a mistake buying the house before finding his flat is justice bride, he could be living his best life down here in Florida, & I know that's a big part of why he's stuck up there, talked with him once over YouTube when he visited the West side of the peninsula for a vacation.
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