@ButtWorldsMan If they decided to become wives and mothers, what kind of birth control did they have while whoring?

@xyfdi @ButtWorldsMan You know how the intestines of animals were used to hold sausages together in ancient times? That's, well uh... one theory that springs to mind.
@ButtWorldsMan Pouring one out for the lads who don't mind used goods, it's great that they have an eye for the truly penitent.

@ButtWorldsMan People love a good story. And of male sacrifice.

@ButtWorldsMan That's funny. The law of Moses, which nobody can give a good reason why it wouldn't be followed anymore, gives the death penalty for a woman who gets married and is discovered to be a non-virgin. This is spelled out in Deuteronomy 22:21-22.

So whose work was this guy doing again?

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