@ButtWorldsMan I don't see you in the MMM anymore have you moved on? It's not as exciting as the bad ol days.

@MrpoopyButhole there's nothing to say. It's just the grandpa's geopolitics group now since the markets don't mean shit. And there's no point doing "day trading" of geopolitics.

I checked the latest post last night, & what do you know, Mark Cortez was whining about some faction being cucks again. Every day he complains about the same shit for months. Some people there are still doing a daily sit-in at the kids table just to complain.

I'm having a blast shitposting and living my best life.


@MrpoopyButhole even managed to get my copy shitpasta in first too so it'll last the whole weekend. I just can't stop winning.

@ButtWorldsMan holy shit I think I developed asthma from laughing so hard.

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