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Today I learned that it is now Islamophobia awareness month in the UK.



@Tfmonkey Thank you for your service. May you heroism ooze out of you and serve as an example for future generations. 💪

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Already have my superchat written out for tonight's show. The things I do for this community.

Israel I need realistic numbers here. No come on that's total bullshit get real with me here. Oh would you just stop saying that there weren't that many babies. How many casualties are there really? But for real tho come on be straight with me.

Oh jesus fucking christ I can't talk to this nigga.

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Movie Title: Kool-Aid in Compton

"Oh yea! Coming to a theater near you."

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Hospitals. Refugee camps. Civilian infrastructure. All pins just begging to be knocked down by the Israeli bowling ball.

Been doing my usual of having my work youtube account suggest videos for me to watch, and then I spotted something. The thumbnail on the vid was so fitting I had to screenshot it.


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.