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Don't let your memes be dreams.

"Okay, but how would you feel if you didn't graze on some grass this morning?"

What if a cope turned into an entire propaganda campaign. What if that copeaganda became the cultural norm of an entire civilization, filling its art with constant reminders of how hard you're coping. What if you encountered asians and realized they weren't coping as hard as you.

I'm imagining going back in time and showing Stalin this video and saying that these are the faggots he's fighting for.

I will never get tired of hearing Dick Masterson mocking fat women.

She should tell him.

She should tell him in a location with a really loud echo so the hard Rs that follow reverberate within her soul.

One small benefit of mass south american immigration is that when some faggot plays their music on public transportation it's not always niggerbops. Hispanic music is marginally more tolerable.

D&D campaign just for you was made @Mike_Microwave recently.

You gotta do a rape roll and beat their consent rolls.

No. Don't you fucking dare. Niggers are not allowed to take "misogynistic maniac" from us. That's our label. IT BELONGS TO US!

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I give it a week before white women attach a dildo to it

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.