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Boba fat
Leia Piewalker
Jabba the hut (if it ain't broke don't fix it)
Lard Haul

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I don't know how a /pol/ shitposter got into elected office, but I've embraced clown world and fully support him.

He's on a level of no fucks given above Trump tweets.

Breaking news: Lizzo impersonator attempts to eat the other white meat

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This video is so much funnier to me than it should be because I then imagine apes as more technologically advanced because their civilization has uncovered the guarded secrets of the mysterious artifact known as "banana."

Faggot ass motherfucker

You never know with jews when it comes to gag orders. Could also mean they want to shove their kike pipe down your throat and spray jew cum until you suffocate.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.