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Anybody got that meme about women being the most vociferous enforcers of the communist regime?

Priest: I don't have the patience for this unholy bitch.

The dancing nurses/doctors thing during covid was an idea concocted by women and I cannot be convinced otherwise.


She thought he was gonna pull a Harvey Weinstein but instead she got an Autisty Legostein.

>adult man has batman ice cream
>calls his other adult man friends
>they immediately come over
>"whoa batman ice cream bro"
>they all have batman ice cream

The female mind cannot comprehend this.

This nigger still has cheat mode active on his xwitter account.

New climate alarmist globohomo regime grift just dropped

The government really REALLY doesn't want the public to see what's written in the trannyfesto. Fascinating.

They'll send all 3 letter government agencies and the army after whoever leaks Epstein's client list.

Sigma rule #354: tell bitches you're deaf and you'll never have to hear them again.

Pedowood/entertainment industry really do be like that.

Note this is just what was recorded publicly.

Damn , even the niggers of the dog world attack their white girlfriends.

I would like to wish all the fed boys a happy pride month.

Needs attention online or offline. Doesn't matter. Like that one image says, women cease to exist when alone.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.