@CaseOh What answers? Anyone with a Judeo Christian background knows it was a miracle.

These things happen if you're chosen by the Lord. Too bad about that guy who died though, some of us aren't necessary for the master plan.

As TFM said, anyone who claims Trump faked it and there was no bullet, is an idiot! What, is every assassination fake now, unless the target dies? If Trump was in on it, he would have been shot in the arm. This was clearly a miracle.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

POTUS: "I was knocked to the ground essentially by what seemed like a supernatural hand"

praise be to our lord

@VeganMGTOW He said it couldn't be faked and if they staged it, they would aim for the arm or the leg. (Obviously they could have simply not fired at him at all, but that's a baseless conspiracy theory, never mind the ear!) He miraculously dodged the bullet and that's that. And if you pointed out that if the "Cathedral" was behind the assassination attempt as he claimed, then they would surely finish the job. But that was stupid, apparently. You see, the elites are dumb and incompetent.

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