
@Tfmonkey The reason I mentioned the Kerri Lake tape is because they only were asking her to get out of politics for two years. Why only two years? Just like you've mentioned, the Cathedral knows they're short on time and they're going to do what they're going to do in that two year time period.

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@CheshireHuman that timeline trends if you consider how much Biden has done in only 3 years.

This is why they can't let Trump win. Even if they crash the economy, they'll miss their window to use the government to seize total power in the crisis.

@Tfmonkey Also, I know you watch Redacted. Yesterday they showed a video of a guy entering America after being in prison for 12 years in another country for terrorism and was saying that "We'll know who he is soon." Things are going to get bloody soon.

@Tfmonkey @CheshireHuman I think they're losing control regardless. Any functioning regime needs true loyalists and the current one is quickly running out of those. Their favored groups are all disloyal by nature.

@NEETzsche @CheshireHuman hatred and resentment only unites for as long as they remain losers.

Once they take power (which they have), they invariably splinter into warring factions. The Jewish faction has taken total power over the Left (as the crackdown against Palestinian supports shows) and now the non-Jewish Left realizes that they've been played.

I'm just waiting for the shooting to start at this point. I'm not trapped here with them, they're trapped here with me.

@Tfmonkey The Jews have been taking more Ls than you might realize lately. The efforts they had to exert to control the narrative re: Gaza were expensive. This is not sustainable to them

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