Rollo Tomassi is a blue pill grifter.

The dude plagiarized his most popular book and doesn't practice what he preaches.

I don't care if he's been married 28 years.

If you got married knowing the consequences you are blue pill because you chose pussy > logic.



Who did he plagiarize?

He knows marriage is a bad deal and does not promote it. His goal as far as I can tell is to give you the tools to carve your own path. He's a bit of tool for sure but don't think he's a grifter.

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He plagiarized Alan Roger Curries book "Beta male Revolution".

I can't respect someone who preaches one thing and does another.

This guy sells doom and gloom saying you should avoid family creation and goes home to a wife and daughter every day.

He says you need to lift consistently when he clearly doesn't.

If his wife wanted to she could just give him an ultimatum and say stop with this red pill shit or I'm taking the kids, house and and half of that red pill $$.


I respectively disagree with your assessment.

Rollo has been writing and figuring things out since early 2000's, started a blog around 2010, wrote his first book in 2013, and Beta Male Revolution was written in 2016. He may have used his stuff to further back up his ideas but he certainly didn't rip him off. Rollo learned what he knows by taking life experience, applying some critical thinking, and sharing / confirming with the others.


Ok I have alot to unpack here.

1. My bad the book was called the possibility of sex. Alan Roger Currie was the 1st manosphere guy in the space since 1999 but somehow Rollo is called the Godfather of the manosphere.

I would encourage you to read both their books and see the similarities.

He may have life experience as well but his best ideas IMO were just ripped off of ARC


Cool cool, I've heard the name but haven't read Alan's work. Thanks I just added those books to my cart.


If you made a lot of money doing a thing, then that process ends leaving people to make money by other means, are you a hypocrite for advising others not to follow that path while still enjoying your winnings?

Rollo offers advice for ways to better your self. If your goal is to attract a woman and start a family cool, if not you're still better off listening. He know things are fucked and is grateful for the situation he currently enjoys.


"If you made a lot of money doing a thing, then that process ends leaving people to make money by other means, are you a hypocrite "

No, but here's my issue.

Authenticity to me means you live the life you advocate for.

Rollo preaches avoiding family creation, spinning plates and lifting.

He does NONE of those things.

I can't take a guy seriously like that who does the opposite of what he advocates.


Correct, she could and he knows it. That doesn't mean he should throw his family down the drain and say fuck it.

Of all the grifters in the manosphere he is far from that. Just my .02 cents.


"That doesn't mean he should throw his family down the drain and say fuck it."

I don't think he should get rid of his family either but based on his experience he should be a marraige coach because he hasn't dated in over 2 decades.


I'm sure he has enough insight into how bad woman are these days but you're right. Its one thing to know and completely different to do.

He's a borderline boomer, what did you expect 😂


"He's a borderline boomer, what did you expect"

so true!😂 That's a good point idk what I was expecting.


Rollo has no idea how ruthless women are in the social media era.

This is why he doesn't respect MGTOW. (watch his interview with TFM and you'll see what I mean)

He thinks MGTOW are just guys who don't lift enough and have no game because he's out of touch.

I do and that's why even though I still fuck hoes I respect the guys like you who tapped out because it's brutal out here.

I don't hate the guy as he's a good writer but I just don't respect him personally.


When did he interview TFM? I've been waiting for that for years now. Was this recent?

Yah he's a clown show with regards to MGTOW, "just maintain frame bro", SMH...

Agreed, stay safe out there brother!


I can't find the full interview anymore thanks to the rampant censorship but here are a couple clips I found to give you an idea.


Ohh right right, I remember this one. Dip shit Donavan, currently getting divorced LMAO, really had his ass chapped over the sex doll. 🤣


Divorced?! No fuckin way lololol😂

I'll never pray on another man's downfall but he must lay in the bed he made.

He talked all this shit about dolls and that divorce is gonna be WAY more expensive than a doll lol.

I don't even like dolls personally so i don't have a dog in this figh.

But since I'm not a brain dead boomer i understand the concept of different strokes for different folks.

Alot of boomers struggle with that concept.


Yah Rollo mentioned a few times answering super chats but shy'd away from details due to brand damagement.

Agreed, this dip shit bragged all the "alpha male" bs and ended right where we said he would be. Schadenfreude is most delectable with these types. Chefs kiss


"Agreed, stay safe out there brother

You too! Its Always good conversation with you

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