

I think you should seriously reevaluate your sleeping patterns. You're no spring chicken and 4 hours isn't good enough. Diet, exercise, and sleep are the three pillars to good health. Much like the political system you can't just look at two sides of a trichotomy.

You said you eventually crash and have to catch up on sleep then you're good to go again. That is only because you're not getting the proper sleep and running your body into the ground.

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Power naps and medication are great but your body needs to time to rest. You like to do tests and gather data points so why not try exploring this aspect of your health. Perhaps there is a meditation technique you can use to help fall asleep so you're not tossing and turning for two hours.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu it's that I feel rested and can't fall asleep. It's not like I wake up with bloodshot eyes or anything. I can function as good as someone who got a full night's sleep. I sometimes need to take a nap or meditate when I get burned out or sleepy is all. Lots of old people take naps and Mexicans take siestas all the time.


I understand you feel fine but you seem to be interested in gathering data points with regards to your health so hear me out.

The need for sleep has been thoroughly studied, there really isn't anything to debate on that front. Your body is not some how defying the laws of physics, it has limits. You can be Bruce Wayne and say TFM has no limits or you can listen to Alfred and know you do, Sir.

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