TIL that Nazis support women's rights because women supposedly voted for Hitler en masse, and thus taking women's rights away would be bad because women have proven to be good Nazi supporters in the past.

The truth it that in 1930s Germany religion was vastly more impactful, and Protestant women only supported the Nazis due to them being the Protestant party. None of that is replicatable in the modern world.

source johndclare.net/Weimar6_Geary.h


@Tfmonkey We need a fascist govt to stop this crap. Also, to stop Walmart from paying employees low wages too. I know the Austrian Economic viewbut it makes no sense that Walmart and Foodlion advocate for food stamps so they don't have to pay their employees. GAO did a report over 11 states 5 million people working full time on food stamps.What is the freedom argument to help these people as they are working. 1 in 7 workers for Food Lion in NC are on Food stamps that's just pure exploitation

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