Hey look Buddy, I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems...

@Tfmonkey Not problems like "What is Beauty". Though fortunately I have come to find the answer within the purview of my liking.

*sips tea*

I solve financial problems.


@Wopu @Tfmonkey For instance, how am I going to stop the retarded normies from taking my money for their structurally superfluous lifestyle?

*Sips Tea* mhmm

The answer?

*Sips Tea* (*in the far far distance single mothers shout* "My baby dindu nuffin!")

Use sector rotation.

*Sips Tea* (*welfare boomers* "But it's my money!")

And if that don't work, *USA manipulates, petrodollar dies* It's a special market condition.

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@DStheo @Wopu regarding the market manipulation: I've never seen it THIS bad for THIS long. I get that they're trying to "stick it to Putin brah", but this is suicidal in the long run.

All you can do is outlast the government. They can have government agencies issue bullshit forecasts and estimates, and even induce market makers to naked short contracts, but they can't print food and energy, and that's ultimately the end of the story.

How long until then? Who knows?

@Tfmonkey @Wopu and you best hope you aren't retarded, too.

*End of TF2 Engineer theme plays.

The camera zooms out of California to show a third person overhead view of cartoonish and overdramaticized burning forests, rioting communists in cities, shitty slums in the street, and the state on fire."

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