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So many vids like this. And the anime internet NotC simps will defend hwyte cunts to no end and post that swipe cope
Sharia now

So Christcucks, let me extend an olive branch.
This is Poolan yesterday. Faggot parade.
98% cathcuck country.
City of Łódź almost 700,000 Christcunts poolak my church going Muh Jesoos Christie Muh walking on watah zombie faggot who ficked boys ../ fact check me faggots

So.. all this. Entire city. Full of poolak church cucks.
So what you’re telling me.
Is they can’t gather few thousand men to patrol and btfo these counts, and faggots?
Is it da joos? You Fucking loser?

Have we seen the parade in Poolan today?
Nothing better to encapsulate christcunts than poolaks rn. 95% cathcuck country?
So you telling me this city Łódź. Population: 696,708 (2016) there isn’t a few thousands of these church god fearing Poolish men to crush the handful of these cunts?
So you’re telling me your ppl with your principles aren’t running the city?
What were you doing then? Beating off to anime? Playing vidya? Getting wasted on Jew poison?
And that’s why sharia won

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.