@Based_Accelerationist there’s
I presented facts. You whit out cope and pilpul cuz ur a kike
300K Amish in communities all over USA btfo women’s rights and make them breed
There’s muzzie no go zones all in Western Europe and they btfo cops
>Hurr do you think they wouldn’t crack the whip
There’s was tens of thousands of hwyte goyim during integration that coulda btfo the zogbots
>Muh laws and Muh principles
why u lost faggot

@comradepond @Godcast
Listening rn. Very based
Good sites out there abt history of christkike genociding Aryan brothers to spread Torah and worship their kike zombie god Yahweh to the goyim

@Mongoliaboo and it was a kikess who wrote the chapter of cunt rights to be included in their constitution
Last year they reversed a long standing constitutional anti lgbt marriage ban.
Still tho. The soldiers are Ez prey. The ruzge army got btfo by Chechens in the war. TaliBros btfo both ridge and zogbot combined ISAF and their ANA partner force.
Shitting out excuses and fqggotry, not finding solutions is what brought the world here

Either you fight for what you believe or you Pussy out. And watch niggers and pakis and pajeets flood your country.
Did TaliBros said, well that’s that. There’s hundreds of thousand zogbots and ANA army. And they built schools for cunts and taught them feminism and twerking
It’s over.

@Eiregoat poor little victim.
Men control their cunts. Men sent them out. Men shoulda btfo these uppity whores, brought them back to their towns and press breed them
>Hurr the west
Did TaliBros said, well that’s that. There’s hundreds of thousand zogbots and ANA army. And they built schools for cunts and taught them feminism and twerking
Fuck off loser. And her Rolf stomped

@Based_Accelerationist @charliebrownau @Mongoliaboo
>Muh consequences and Muh rules and laws
And that’s why u lost like all the whining faggots about Muh hwyte replacement and we iz getting genocided
U sent daddy’s lil princess to Uni and to be turbo whore and a childless career Roastie
Are the Amish patrolling their cunts getting raided?
U are, Cuz ur a fag with no community
just like the handful of boomer parents at school boards complaining abt their kids learning anal play at 9
Stfu kike

Were you on gab? This name followed me. I got banned for shitting on GabNats and christcucks and torba faggot brother working as admin.

@collappsar @Tfmonkey
This faggot? Word is he was a lefty sissy who wanted communism. Correct me if you know or you meant a diff sissy
Still tho. Moobement dont start from top down.
Did TaliBros need Karzai go ahead? No. They held their pimp hand high and btfo ISAF Zogbots and ANA which alone ran 450K strong.
Then they went into offices, banks, kicked holes out and banned holes from higher education. Then killed few Roastie cunts for a good example

Lol. Muh xenophobic, trad, honorary Aryans.
They rather open their borders, which they did years ago. And become London and swedan than tell their holes no. And btfo them back to the kitchen to breed babys

@shortstories and take your anti White genocidal death Cult of baby dick sucking desert kikes and a rebbe Yeshua Hamashiach zombie fag kike with you.

@shortstories oh sheeeit
5 replies deep I did not read since I clicked your profile. Aaand
It’s a rambling christkike boomer.
Get the fuck off my tl christkike nigger
And go look up Christcucks and their verse, Pearl clutching Christcunt Roasties of the gospel moobement that unleashed feminism on the White race.
At least ur dying the fuck out As a result. Cuz no christkike White nation has any babys.

Retards and their cope.
Ur dying the fuck out cuz 0 babys. Cuz YOU allow white cunts to mark in Uni, you allow White
Cunts to chase careers.
If you thanos snap all Jews and shitskins out of every hwyte country.
Ur still dying the fuck out. And no amount of bribing cunts with tax breaks and free shot has ever worked
These faggots are pathetic and need to die.

>it’s da jooos.
Fuck! How many times do you have to see
Le hwyte genocide memes.
Le we iz getting replaced memes
Kalergi plan!

Once we defeat the Jew and nigger. Hwyte cunts will abandon their college degrees, boss bitch careers and demand to get preggers

You’re a Jew if you tryna divide hwyte kweens

@HyperboreanWave wait. Nvm
It’s Hillaryous. White cucks need to be purged
Bong faggots shoulda beat these christcunt whores in the streets.
Just how JewSA christcucks shoulda beat white cunts of Xtian gospel moobement demanding rights, holding wamynz conventions in churches in 1848
They didn’t Why The west is where it is
>whaaa Muh kalergi, Muh hwyte genocide, we iz getting replaced
No fucking refunds
Sharia soon

Not funny, nigger.
Some quarter mil underage bong boys lied abt their age to enlist and die in the trenches of Europ Cuz bong cunts shamed n bullied them
Then again. That’s funny. Cucks deserve to die. Like the suicide rate cuz divorce rape

@Tfmonkey Barebones thread on Euro week.
And clearly it’s da joos fault,
Not polish carhcuck daddy sending his lil princess to get fucked by nogs and poos
Not the church going Polens that allow it
Not the desert fables death cult of zombie kike Jewsus and we’re all equal and feminism.


@Tfmonkey guess we need a lil dump
Yes. Tomi Lahren. Le trad cuntservatives Migatard fave Aryan kween.
And that’s not even WAG sports whores
Just daddy’s lil princesses.
Love is love, Gal3:28 neither Bantu nor Swede, neither Abo nor Ozzie, neither Haitian nor Polen
For YOU ur ALL one in Christ jewsus

So le fat whores go w nogs is a canard. And a gay trope. Cuz all these Cunts erry simpy would cut his left nut to fuck.
Not me tho. I’d stone them Taliban rules

@Tfmonkey and Polen is the biggest mudsharks out of former east block. They love dark meat, pajeets and slopes.
Now. Wtf was up with only Le fat hwyte bitches fuck nogs.

@Tfmonkey those upticks were Ipso facto due to pajeets, nogs, bangla, Viet and assorted se Asians. Polen was 5% migrants in 2018 already.

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