I was listening to the show from last night, and I don't understand something that TFM was saying: I don't understand the logical leap made from what is currently happening to BRICS will fall to the West.

If I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong), because Russia hasn't dropped the hammer on Ukraine and because the western media is talking openly about tactical nukes and how Iran is smart for not attacking Israel, therefore the non-west will not retaliate and surrender.


BRICS can win economically if they have the infrastructure to do so. What has NATO done to destroy Russian critical infrastructure?
"Ukraine" has done things such as hit oil refineries nearby with drones, yes. (e.g. reuters.com/world/europe/sever)

I can see why TFM would be disheartened, but if Russia is winning strategically as he said, why would they feel the need to rush to end Ukraine? They aren't at risk to lose infrastructure yet. To me it seems they're not worried about winning the larger war.

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