@Terry i think on some level (((they))) realize total amalek (whitey) death will fuck them over so they're trying to hit the brakes
@bronze @Terry
Would explain the sudden appearance of the wife jack meme

Maybe Fuentes is on to something, and he ignored (((the call))) so now they're whipping him with this Destiny shit?

@WTFPurpleAlpaca @pepsi_man @bronze @Terry I simply do not understand what about the meme illicts this kind of reaction

@PraxisOfEvil @WTFPurpleAlpaca @pepsi_man @bronze @Terry This discourse separates men who want families from those who don't. Misogyny is strong in these circles, as it should be, and it acts as a cover for degenerates who have no interest in continuing the race. I'm not saying everyone against the meme is in that group, but the meme surely does a good job of making that group out themselves.

@MeBigbrain @WTFPurpleAlpaca @pepsi_man @bronze @Terry I guess memes just can't be memes anymore, every throwaway wojak offshoot posted online is a form of commentary or conditioning designed to provoke a reaction in certain spaces. Maybe we're approaching the end of irony where everyone says exactly what they mean instead of attaching some passive aggressive sheen to it.


@veff @bronze @MeBigbrain @pepsi_man @PraxisOfEvil @Terry @WTFPurpleAlpaca
Nothing will change until the causes of the symptoms are addressed.

If you're driving 60 km/hr toward a cliff, and decrease speed to 50 km/hr toward the cliff, you're still going to go off the cliff. You have to make meaningful changes in direction.

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