'dr': could you leave for a moment so that I can talk to your child privately?
mom: uh, sure

'dr': hey kid, how would you like to engage in a lot of expensive, unnecessary, irreversible, permanently damaging medical procedures? The economy needs you, and you hate your life anyway, right?
kid: I wouldn't like that
'dr': oh, darn
'dr': well you're too thin. Better gain a hundred pounds of fat. We'll get you needing more medical services one way or another!
kid: ok sure, I like bad food
'dr': Dentists aren't really in my faction but have this candy anyway.

@apropos Knowingly violated the Hippocratic oath needs to come with a death sentence.

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@Engineer zero downsides to a culture that takes oaths at least that seriously.

@apropos 100% an Oath needs to be binding and carry with it a death penalty for violation.

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