@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog No thats some q-tard shit. If that actually happened it would be paraded as a good thing and nothing would be hidden. The real reason is these are all puppets of the deepstate/uniparty/cathedral.
@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog Correct, Q-annon is a psy-op to keep people placated so they don't grab their rifles and do what must be done.
@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog The longer 1 waits the worse its going to get. I'll put it like this, the government is wholly unable to stop an individual from compiling a list of all the evil low level people they particularly dislike, local bureaucrats, small time politicians, communists, prominent local antifa members, and start engaging in asymmetric warfare against them. Such as using a cheap drone to drop termite queens and bed bugs on their houses at 3 in the morning. Use your imagination
@zero @charlie_root @djsumdog I never mentioned organizing. Asymmetric warfare.
Organizing is out... you will be red flagged and put in a cement home.
People, rightfully, put themselves first.
These fucks have been plotting 2 centuries you think they are gonna get this far to fuck up now.
all i can say is focus on family and community. build good relationships. find likeminded people. start at the neighborhood level and build bonds.