Daughter: so dad, what do you really think of my boyfriend? Me: why do you ask? Her: cuz im interested in your opinion.
Me: well, he's likeable and respectful, and funny, and he treats you well.... her: but? Me: well he lives his life from the safety of his daddies lap while still sucking on his mother's breast and seems to like it there and makes no appearant effort and makes no plan to ever crawl down and stand on his own and to me thats revolting. 1 0f 2

My boy: yes exactly, he's a loser in the making and its gross. Her: youbguys are harsh, if his parents are willing what difference?
Me: no grit or character will come from having daddy take complete care of you. How can he possibly grow up?

Her: hm.

Was I too blunt?

@Engineer @Phil

Phil, you be the Dad you always have been, she already knows how to handle the truth. 😊

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