@ImperialAgent Its 70 years too late, too little. Whats the point after literally tens of millions of people have flooded over already? Best thing to do is round them up in flyover states and force them into California and New York.

You think too small. What are you, a republican?

@ImperialAgent OK, sure, I'll retract me previous statement. The best thing to do is round up all the shitskin illegals and leftists and genocide them all. I'm not being sarcastic, either. But since thats not going to happen, we just need to wait until the dollar hyperinflates into oblivion.

Eisenhower deported 1.3 million spics with 200 border patrol agents back in the 50s. It's only a question of will.

@ImperialAgent Thats at the border, what about the ones in the country already? There's tens of millions of them!

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How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Literally go to any home depot parking lot and put em on a bus. Yoyd get hundreds at a time
Put up a phone number for people to call. They're literally lingering in public spaces, or drunk driving through someone's yards at any hour of the day.
I already know people chomping at the bit to be on the Deportation Force.
Put a fucking bounty on illegals, dead or alive.
This is not a hard problem to solve. Just a matter of avoiding legal issues really.
All they're little spiclets go to school too. Just deport em

@ImperialAgent @transgrammaractivist I agree 100%. It won't happen until maybe after hyper-inflation of the dollar and subsequent collapse of the federal government.

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