So listening to Saturday's Show this morning the topic of US creating an arms race again and trying to bankrupt Russia like they did in the 80s is very true. Especially since the Russian economy was stiill VERY commodities heavy in the 80s too. But here's what a lot of people forget. We essentially bribed countries around the world to turn their back to them. How you might ask? Well a number of things. The first biggest one was actually SUPPLYING energy commodities to them in the firat place.(1)


The only thing going for the West right now is innertia from decades of Meritocracy while their foes were communists. That's all that left. The second the US as it's core with the resources and military might to ship them hits a wall it all falls apart. The industrial capacity is gone, the resources are not invested in, and the global commodities provider base is going to shift and create better economic fundamentals for whoever takes the mantle AND especially if TWRA happens.

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