
I still hate sections of the religious right. I myself am religious, but I'll get mormons or very insular community older religious guys calling me a gender commie over the facts on the ground that women having expansive divorce rights and education/matched income with men leads to more divorces. Not even mentioning that they vote for, benefit from, and are supported by the welfare state the most and use Men Via the State to enforce the positive biases of women against singular men.

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None of being religious alone though stopped my parents divorcing and not wanting to be divorce raped on a whim makes me a communist though. Then what would you guess they use the fact that I had to deal with growing up through a divorce as somehow a W against me as if it doesn't prove my point and that most men don't seek relationships with women because they don't want to be divorced. The mental gymnastics blows my mind, but I guess just keep blaming men.

@FinalDresdonation Men are The group that Is political correct to target.

The US have The same desteny than South Korea but México with take back some territories while US is shriking

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