Sometimes I forget just how real cuckservatives are until I talk to them. I don't really care about the subject, but I got into a talk with one of them about Christi Noem and the dog thing. I didn't really give a shit, but I just said that she's not going to defend your rights because she cucked on trannies in sports shit a few years ago. I'm indifferent to that outcome, but it is a nakedly clear example of how 'conservatives' will just balk to the system with the lowest level challenges.


Cont: So I bring this up and this guy is just jumping through every goalpost and loop that somehow the NCAA sanctions were financially crippling and critical (to a state as uninvolved in it as SD) to the economy. These people wonder how they lost their culture when if that was so much of a problem (I could see it impacting gambling bodies, alcohol, and some shit btw acknowledging that fact) it is simply corrected through basic prudent financial budgeting.

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