
The entitlement of women, and they want you to take them seriously. SMH!

· Edited · · Mastodon for Android · 6 · 8 · 6

The writer is a typical West whamen. I'll pass

If a man did this shit he would be shamed and mocked for being a bitch.

I should make a video about this stupid shit lol

@Humpleupagus lol and they're supposed to be the compassionate ones. 😂

I question the journo's use of "met". You could be quite familiar with someone *online*, but you've never actually met them until it was in person. Change My Mind.

Edit- found a pic of her

How to solve false accusers: jail the false accuser.
How to solve abusing emergency services: jail the abuser.

Western culture worships pussy so hard, it had to get this far before there was any push-back, but I'm glad to see it. Now there is no choice but to start enforcing against women's criminal behavior.

@Mongoliaboo agreed but people worship pussy. Females get away with murder.

@Gonzo17 I'm hoping this arrest, and Hinge shutting down women's ego-farming behavior, are just the start.

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