
I guess somebody learned there's no such thing as freedom of speech lol. Twitter is gay too,fuck YouTube too👺🤡

@Gonzo17 only degenerates with no life of their own and normies use twitter. if you are not using twitter solely for a business promotion and social media presence, you are a retard and fuck you.

@Gonzo17 every online community that grows too big becomes shit. this was the case with online forums, youtube, facebook, instagram, quora, twitch, tumblr, reddit, myspace..

@Justicar yes so true now that it's mainstream it sucks. I guess it's the future for this place too eventually.

@Gonzo17 it perfectly reflects human societies. any group of people that grows too large becomes dysfunctional and can be kept going only by force. this is why you have to gate-keep things. whether it is a neighbourhood, a a whole country or online forum... you cannot let in about anyone who wishes to join. it just does not work in the long run.

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