@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Nah it's definitele simps.

You underestimate the simp economy.

I've seen with my own eyes men throw everything away just for the possibility of pussy.


@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu the problem is we have an excess male population, too many males means more simps.

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@I_AmTheKnight @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Excess of weak men too. If it was an excess of muslims it wouldn't be so bad

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu we need male scarcity to fix this problem, or TWRA, Muslims are the only ones doing it but I kinda don’t won’t Islam to take over the world.

@I_AmTheKnight @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

Oh don't worry our good friends at the WEF have this whole scarcity thing covered with their next pandemic.

I don't want muslims to take over the world either but at least they have a society that works and aren't actively trying to kill me.

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