I would make the argument, a lot may disagree but I don’t think women are capable of loving anything at all. Not only do they not love men but I would argue they don’t really love their children either both men and children are just disposable to them. The fact that women use their children as meal tickets to enslave a man and collect benefits from the state, and they’re perfectly fine murdering their children via abortion demonstrates that they are more than willing to sacrifice/exploit them.

Youre not wrong but I don't think this is fair.

They are capable of love in their own utility based way like a dog.

Remember if women didn't act like this humanity would have died out as nature is unforgiving.

If you want to balme someone blame the men who voted to give women rights and the simps that enforce the n nonsense.

Women didn't choose to be inferior life forms in cable of self actualization.

When you see a spoiled child the parent is at fault for spoiling them.

@basedbagel yeah I understand the evolutionary reason for it, hypergamy is primarily the reason why humans rose to the top of the food chain. But I hear some people say women are capable of having sacrificial love towards their children, and I don’t think they have that sacrificial love towards their kids. In nature I believe, if women see their children as the offspring of a low value male or just a tool that lost its use they will sacrifice it, ie abortions. But yeah TWRA all the way.


Interesting observation as I see the opposite.

The only times I see women thinking about anyone other than themselves is with their kids.

But I guess that also depends on culture/personality.

"But yeah TWRA all the way."

My man!


@basedbagel There are biological bonds and hormonal bonds when a woman gives birth, I’m simply saying if it’s in their benefit or self interest to sacrifice their children, there are many cases of female animals sacrificing their children to save themselves. That’s why if you look at statistics women are the primary abusers/ murders of children. Children can be disposable to women.

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