women go as far for Chad as to not get pregnant, but when it comes to regular guys, they can't wait to steal a little of your semen...

they take pills for Chad but for us, they will say " cum outside, il clean it with my underwear " HELL NO. you know what? am keeping your panties.

you can't even cum in their mouth either, they save a little and start rubbing it in their pussy. call me paranoid fuck it.

these chicks only want a ticket to not work and enslave you. but not Chad bro.


@RodrickSage have you heard of sexy son theory? Women want to get pregnant by chad, not because they want his child support money but because they’re trying to get commitment. If they know he has no money they’ll just become single moms on welfare. I agree with you when it comes down to men that are good providers, yeah if they know you have a good stable job they’ll definitely purposefully trap you with a kid. Also if you’re chad with a stable job, ie professional athletes you’re huge target.

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