
After 51 years of marriage, 2 sons, grand kids and great grand kids, (apparently) a sitting judge discovers his sons are not his

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@IncertaeSedis Him in marriage must have really ignore all the warning signs and all red flags.

@Stahesh @IncertaeSedis

Sounds like he's a lawyer too. Lol. Such is the power of the love delusion.

The pussy cat needs to be fed. And everyone in the neighborhood was feeding it.

@IncertaeSedis Don't have emphaty for these Boomers they chooce this path Now they Will have to deal with it.

@IncertaeSedis He adjudicated paternity cases and somehow it never occurred to him to get paternity tests for "his" kids.

Tradcucks will tell you it's sad for a man to grow old without having kids. What sadder is to think you have kids and find out you're a genetic dead end. Old bachelors are much better off than this guy.

@Mongoliaboo @IncertaeSedis

That man took a deep cut, but you're right - far better to be the old man who chose not to have kids than be this guy.

Extorted and cuckolded for over half a century, smh.

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