
@Tfmonkey The guy you recommend watching (Pilgrims Pass) is a NAFOtard. He makes good videos, like Whatifalthist, who is a Christcuck Western shill; they are the same. 

@Tfmonkey I did not see this fucker make a similar video about the people of Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq or Yemen or Gaza. When it’s Ukraine, ThEY aRE sTar War AND lOrd OF THE RinGs ohuohu Ah-hyuck!

@Tfmonkey “uKraiNiAn FeMaLe sOLDiER are like Eowyn YoU GUYs”

@Indignation 51% rule my guy. If I only liked people who agreed with me, I would have nobody.

@Tfmonkey These review channels have some normie outlook. I mean tv shows are created for Normies. These tv shows and movies are propaganda machines. The based and red-pilled lmfao watch anime instead of western media maybe they watch them for nostalgia. Am I wrong?

@Indignation you're overthinking it. Just take entertainment at face value and if it's not for you, don't consume it.

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