Does anyone have any videos of leftists in cities getting what they deserve? I need a laugh

PART 2 Back when they existed they were having logistical issues and the jews came in and helped them out but with the jews in charge of that portion when it came to taking on the allies no supplies reached the front line and within a couple days the military scattered with hardly a fight. They will have your back for a time until it is advantageous to stab you in the back and hook up the jews with more power resources influence etc. @VooDooMedic

The thing about the jews is when they come to your country they do buy in and get power. They are great at manipulation and mind games. They do realize that by destroying the country it makes the community richer and stronger so that is also why they push for degenerate things. The OTTOMAN EMPIRE according to the turkish muslims that I know explained this to me.

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