@Tfmonkey last post no t to spam head was covered with a layer of fabric and stuffing, i just removed the stuffing and kept the fabric layer, then later revoed the fabric to expose the styrofoam head. then i made the eyes just like you did the follow me eyes and it's done.

@Jm That actually looks pretty good. what is the stuffing made of? I use a shredding memory foam body pillow because pillow stuffing doesn't provide enough firmness to approximate a person's body.


@Tfmonkey it's walmart polyester stuffing. it's pretty good, it bounces back to it's shape and stay in shape. the torso has dollar store piloow stuffing. it's denser and has les bounce. I,m repairing the eye sockets because the styrofoam break constantly. i'm a artist and i made a big point of making a sex doll out of low cost material and i may have to save for a silicone head. i will change the breasts to be wubble bubble balloons. tionisha from monster musume was the goal

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