@Tfmonkey last post no t to spam head was covered with a layer of fabric and stuffing, i just removed the stuffing and kept the fabric layer, then later revoed the fabric to expose the styrofoam head. then i made the eyes just like you did the follow me eyes and it's done.

@Jm That actually looks pretty good. what is the stuffing made of? I use a shredding memory foam body pillow because pillow stuffing doesn't provide enough firmness to approximate a person's body.


@Tfmonkey she is 150cm breasts, 75cm waist and 119 cm hips. Tionisha got 10cm more of breast s. They are so big it's hard to hug her. But they are ver confortable to sleep on. The breasts will have ultrasound gel as gel inside the ballons and will weight 5.5kg each just like Milanea velba. Ironic that my granfather was a capenter and i'm a carpenter of dolls. For now, she costed me less than 200$. i canot lift sex dolls for health reasons. they legal in my country. 27kgs is the limit for me.

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