dystopian futurism from the 80s led me to believe that "punks' would be a much bigger problem than they turned out to be.

Or perhaps the "punks" were just trannies the entire time, and we didn't realize it at the time. You be the judge:

@Tfmonkey in that community that sort of fashion really is big, they want to be the badass anti government rebels as manufactured by movies and media and see themselves as that.

I love when you see them with band patches and you wonder if they'd fail the "name 3 songs" test.
@PurpCat @Tfmonkey They're selling Nirvana shirts at Abercrombie now.

I find that hilarious
@ins0mniak @Tfmonkey the other thing that was just as cringe from when the antifa shit was booming (especially post CVille) was when a high fashion store was selling a manufactured "punk" Jacket

Sam Hyde bought or was given one which he showed off in the first Crush500 episode when it was called that (during that weird period between MDE and Jet Neptune).
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