@GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner

No, Jews are not bad. The Jew Kux Klan is bad. Many Jews are just as much a slave to the Internationale as you are. A racial supremacist cult has appropriated the name of all Jews, using their social perception as a shield for supremacist criminality. But to say "Jews are bad" is to fall into the trap laid by the supremacists.

You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."

@JooKuxKlan @GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner >You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."
The elites don't want people to know this, but Salvation through Christ is free. He will literally forgive you for all your sins and make your soul new. The jews know this and CHOOSE, actively and in the present tense, to ignore and actively persecute. If they didn't ignore it, they would no longer be jews but Christians— even if previously and ethnically jewish. That jews reject something that's free is odd in and of itself (because they're stingy cheapskates), but that they'd spite something priceless is exceptionally jewish.
@BowsacNoodle @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator

> "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."

How? They're one and the same thing. God's chosen people, etc, with their genocidal ethnostate.

> ...Salvation through Christ is free.

Just like every other figment of the imagination. Meanwhile though, 10's of millions of Christian Zionists are currently hell bent on extorting taxes from the 'Murican people to send to the aforementioned genocidal ethnostate... I wouldn't exactly call that "free", neither in terms of money, nor in terms of liberty.

Genocidal mass delusions like both of the above are actually quite expensive. The free lobotomy is just a loss leader...
@GhostLiberator @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle

The entire Abrahamic mass delusion needs to be immolated in entirety for the liberty and security of the rest of the human species and life on Earth.


Not so. All the religions calling themselves 'Abrahamic' have rejected the faith of Abraham.

The faith of Abraham is clearly recorded:

"In thy seed will ALL THE NATIONS of the earth be blessed.'

Jesus is that seed. Jesus gave us the liberty we have fought to preserve. He sent Rome to crush Jerusalem. Then he sent messengers to crush Roman religious power. The liberty we enjoy was unimaginable before Jesus.

Our current predicament is of Roman origin, not Jewish.

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