@GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner
No, Jews are not bad. The Jew Kux Klan is bad. Many Jews are just as much a slave to the Internationale as you are. A racial supremacist cult has appropriated the name of all Jews, using their social perception as a shield for supremacist criminality. But to say "Jews are bad" is to fall into the trap laid by the supremacists.
You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."
> ". The jews know this and CHOOSE, actively and in the present tense, to ignore and actively persecute."
Millions of non-Jews also reject Jesus. Millions of Brits, Germans, and Americans reject Jesus. Millions more have joined the Catholic Church, which is the most anti-christ institution in the world. So your point is?
The white nationalists have chosen a false 'racial salvation' in place of true salvation. You can see it in the church militant movement and the king jesus movement. Their Jesus is a different Jesus than the one who went to the cross. There Jesus is a Roman Catholic fake Jesus.