@GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner

No, Jews are not bad. The Jew Kux Klan is bad. Many Jews are just as much a slave to the Internationale as you are. A racial supremacist cult has appropriated the name of all Jews, using their social perception as a shield for supremacist criminality. But to say "Jews are bad" is to fall into the trap laid by the supremacists.

You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."

@JooKuxKlan @GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner >You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."
The elites don't want people to know this, but Salvation through Christ is free. He will literally forgive you for all your sins and make your soul new. The jews know this and CHOOSE, actively and in the present tense, to ignore and actively persecute. If they didn't ignore it, they would no longer be jews but Christians— even if previously and ethnically jewish. That jews reject something that's free is odd in and of itself (because they're stingy cheapskates), but that they'd spite something priceless is exceptionally jewish.
@BowsacNoodle @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator

> "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."

How? They're one and the same thing. God's chosen people, etc, with their genocidal ethnostate.

> ...Salvation through Christ is free.

Just like every other figment of the imagination. Meanwhile though, 10's of millions of Christian Zionists are currently hell bent on extorting taxes from the 'Murican people to send to the aforementioned genocidal ethnostate... I wouldn't exactly call that "free", neither in terms of money, nor in terms of liberty.

Genocidal mass delusions like both of the above are actually quite expensive. The free lobotomy is just a loss leader...

@toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

Christian Zionists are insane. You have no quarrel from me on that one.

Are you blaming Christian Zionism on the Jews? Christian Zionism is a curse from God.

The Jews are not the cause. The fact that Western Christians have rejected Christ for their false religious sects is the cause. God swore to send strong delusion upon nations that reject him.

Just using the word, "Christian" does not put a man right with God.

@JooKuxKlan @toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator >The Jews are not the cause of Christian Zionism
Who bankrolled Scofield Reference Bible publication? Dispensationalism is a movement that jews funded heavily for their benefit. Split hairs on whether they all share collective guilt for the sins of their most vile, but they have ethnic and cultural codes about not harming other jews. I have little problem with "deli jews", but they still benefit from sodomy jews, war jews, and finance jews directly and indirectly.

@BowsacNoodle @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator @toiletpaper

Dispensationalism was cooked up by Roman Catholics, not Jews.



Every time the Roman Catholics instigate a crime, the prop up a Jewish patsy.

Dispensationalism is just another branch of Catholicism. It is part of their anti-protestant, counter-reformation campaign.

The Catholics are going to prop up a Catholic savior for western 'civilization' and the white nationalist suckers are falling for it.

@JooKuxKlan @BowsacNoodle @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator @toiletpaper It’s a flat, boring textbook diversion strategy.
“All those things indeed actually happened … but it was CATHOLICS; not jews!”
It‘s really a laugh riot from a high enough seat.


During the middle ages, between 300 a.d. and 1750 a.d., the Catholic machine mass murdered over a quarter billion Christians who refused to bow to the Papacy. This doesn't count all the many killed in the crusades, which never had to happen. Roman priests trained and supported Mohammed and the early incarnations of Islam, as Rome's war donkey.

And you think some recent Jewish front men are the real menace? How gullible.

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@JooKuxKlan Sincere question; do you think it is at least morally *permissible* for Christians to hold and exercise State Power ?


Which Christians? The Catholics? The Anglicans? The Lutherans?

State power should have no connection to religion. State power should be the cooperative enterprise of an ethnic group with a shared history. But this is not possible to maintain when religious fanatics gain power. Man's religion must be to do justice, not to push a collective ideology. No other kind of man is fit for governing.

What we have today are not states. They are imperial satraps titled as 'states'.

@JooKuxKlan > Which Christians? The Catholics? The Anglicans? The Lutherans?

Does it matter, and why ?

> State power should have no connection to religion etc etc …

You’re well within your right to hold such an opinion; but it’s pretty darn meaningless if you aren’t yourself in the position to exercise State Power, sad to say.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @JooKuxKlan Well sure, a man can freely divulge what he would and wouldn’t do if *he* was in charge. But seriously, why would any State-level agent care what *that guy* has to say ?
A king rules as he will, with God as his judge. Anyone with the power to actually influence his priorities and decisions is near to the throne, indeed.
I think atp, it's needed. Say what you will about the "wrong kind". A return to masculine Christianity is needed, but who says that even with the "wrong kind" wielding the levers of power in the West that the right ones don't take hold?

I think it's an inevitability.
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