
Any cigar smokers here? This year i am having a lot of cigars have these holes in them that cause uneven burning throughout. Various purchases, manufacturers, countries. Any idea what is going on? Effects of lack of skilled roller after covid or what...

@TenaciousGoat @Justicar Probably cutting in productions costs.

They will do shittier products even for 1%

When they can save little of the material needed for one product they can make more money with same amount of material

Like before they created 1000 products now you can get 1001 :happyjewishmerchant: :happyjewishmerchant: :happyjewishmerchant:

@Stahesh @TenaciousGoat i am thinking that they might be skimming on the tobacco a bit, like you said. Removing couple of % from the filler, that no one sees nor can notice, decreases production cost. But it damages the product so it seems strange.

@Stahesh @TenaciousGoat btw as i have said, i have noticed this on multitudes of brands during prolonged period. so it is not an issue bound to single producer or model of a cigar. this one is partagas d4 which i bought for the first time in three years since i had a cuban(not a fan) and this happens...

@Justicar @TenaciousGoat It is with everything cars, electronics, candies, bars.

Yea and it create shittier product.

Now many electronics covers are so thin that even small fall make them crack

Some call it shrinkflation

not mentioning the cars how thin metal have they almost fold in every car crash

They even use shittier materials. What had metal now have plastic. What had thicc plastic now have thin plastic

Did you spot new plastic bottles that are so thin it almost feel like plastic bag

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