
usually 9gag is full of anti-chenese bots, but lately those israeli IP addresses must be busy. i guess the anti-russian bots have taken a back seat for a while. most people think these are real post by real people reflecting the real mood of the populi. this is how you manipulate the society. twitter is the same.


I never understood why BetterBachelor shilled for 9Gag, it's one of the worst anti-Russia pro-Zio propaganda sites for years.

@UncleIroh i never heard him mention it - ever. 9gag used to be good until gen-z took over, maybe 5-7 or so, years ago. it was slow degradation of the years though. fun disappeared and you could see how it was transforming into a lot of written memes, twitter/ig screenshots. a lot of violence and gore and animal/nature crap. now its mostly politics.


He's mentioned 9Gag as a meme source of his a bunch of times.

@UncleIroh could be, i no longer actively watch his content... i used to watch him from his very first videos until some time ago when the content just became repetitive and "safe". about two years ago, maybe. anyway, there is really no alternative to 9gag these days so it is not surprising, really.

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