
This is the perfect time to ask the question to any TERFS: what are you willing to give up in exchange for preventing biological males in female sports?

The answer can't be nothing. You have to give up something, such as the things in Title 9 that cause men to lose their sports opportunities. Even better, we get rid of Title 9 entirely.

We should not answer cries for help if they are not willing to take back the very things that caused the problems they complain about.

This is not just a TERF/feminism thing, but something that can apply to any leftist policy that blows up in the face of leftists who did not realize they would eventually not be able to stop the crazy train at their preferred stop.

"We cannot take all these migrants in NYC!" Okay, are you willing to crack down harder on illegal immigration, mass deport, and restrict access? No? Then why should we help you with the mess you voted for?

If you find someone who merely complains about the effects of the trajectory of the policies they supported and they are unwilling to undo previous phases or put any mental energy in understanding things beyond the first order consequences, you are not dealing with someone who is willing or able to see reason. They need to either repeat the lessons in learning the hard way or they need to show some repentence for their poor choices in policies they supported.


@houseoftolstoy normies don't think what's tomorrow be like. they only think 5 minutes ahead, at best. my normie friend confirmed it, literally to my face, when he told me that i think too much about the future. we talked about his job and his future since he's in his 40s, wit ha wife and a kid, but does the same job he did 15 years ago. so yeah, these people just live in the moment, one day at a time. you cannot expect them to think about what their voting will do next month, let alone years.

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