Russia has 150M people. 150k of that are Jews. So 1%. Given the history of Jews in Russia, I am surprised Jews have not been slaughtered there to this day and are still tolerated. My mind just cannot compute such a thing. Like, imagine a guy comes into your home, rapes all your female family members, kills all your dog, all your friends and and then just chills on the sofa, eating a burito right next to you, watching a tv. And you do nothing. You even talk to him like he's a friend.

@Justicar Not only are they tolerated, but Putin made it illegal to deny the holohoax in Russia. Putin is also very friendly towards them, he has attended their parties, publicly praised them and even put on the little hat to visit their wall.

Do you know who Putin isn't friendly towards? Nazis, he hates them for some reason. Then again, he is a former KGB agent.
According to the Jews themselves, Chabad Lubavitch owns Putin and the economy. And I'm guessing the Orthodox Church is on board.


@Based_Accelerationist yes, i am aware putin is pro-jews, unfortunately. they have a lot of power in russia. many oligarchs are like, they pillaged the country for centuries and are now holding all the money and people still ignore that. maybe whites just cannot be saved. maybe we just need to be ruled by jews until the end of times.

@Justicar Whites as a group are way beyond salvation. A few might survive the transition, but they'll be a tiny minority.
I just hope the Jews pulling the strings truly believe in their doomsday prophecies and try to usher in the end times, otherwise they will just maintain the status quo forever and there will be no hope for anyone.

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