
Carnivore is hard if you don't have access to affordable and good steaks. Otherwise you are dependent on eggs, ground beef and bacon. Eggs get old fast. Ground beef won't satiate you for long because it's grounded already so digesting it takes little time and effort. And bacon is dense with calories. So you can eat healthy if you include bacon but won' get lean. If you remove bacon, you'll get lean but you will be hungry and things will get old fast. Steaks are the only viable long term option.

@Justicar True best thing is to eat more meat without spice or herbs. So far my taste changed and the taste of spice or herbs make the meat taste bad.

Meat is so simple and easy to digest so you hardly notice that you have eaten something so you feel hungry pretty quick. But after some time you get use to it.

Because you do not get any bloating or spike in blood sugars like on diet with carbs.

If I want to eat egg I crack one in to the cup mix the white and yolk and pour hot water around 70C

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