scott ritter's insane cognitive dissonance on jews and israel is so min-boggling that i don' think i can keep watching his interviews. on one hand he keeps repeating that israel must survive and has right to exist, on the other hand he talks how israelis support genocide of palestinians or when he talked about russian history that bolsheviks were fighting the WHITES(he literally said that). i do not think he is watching his mouth. i think it's just the brain not allowing new views even with data

@Justicar - I don't follow Scott Ritter, but the Bolsheviks were known as "the reds", and their opponents in the civil war that followed the revolution of 1917 were known as "the whites".

Scott Ritter likely does exhibit mind-boggling cognitive dissonance (as it's become very common), but that particular slip may not have been so bad. 🍻

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