I'm not seeing anyone talking about this. Am I the only one who thinks this is a big deal? Maybe I need to touch grass. Or smoke it. Or both.



@RegalBeagle i totally said and expected this. though i hoped they would start from scratch, with the latest knowledge, and build a modern kernel and unified ecosystem. i know huawei has no ditched android altogether so that was first step. but desktop ad server OS has been quiet.

@Justicar You did call it. I don't work at that level, but rebuilding an alternate kernel from the ground up sounds herculean to me. Conversely, how long have competent devs been shackled by the Linux Foundation's west coast ideology? This could be the unshackling needed to finally move the kernel in a better direction.

@RegalBeagle it's not too hard. there is billion of microkernels and hobby OSs. the main issue are hardware drivers. i could see USA embargoing nvidia or amd to provide their binary drivers to such OS so that would kill it from the start..unless china starts building actual competition to these hardware companies. which is happening but not on necessary scale...just yet.

@RegalBeagle @Justicar

It's a massive deal, and I'm here for it. Bring it the fuck on already, it's about time.

Unikernels, microkernels, ditching c/c++, re-thinking monolithic kernels, let's go baby.

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